2 min

Infographic: What Does the Future Hold for AI and Small Businesses in Canada?

How do small businesses feel about AI? Explore the impact of AI on SMBs and what the future may hold for these organizations.

Small businesses are steadily adopting AI

Nearly half (42 percent) of small businesses feel comfortable about the current use of AI within their industry.



of small businesses are aware of natural language and processing tools


are currently using natural language and processing tools


of small businesses are expressing positivity towards integrating AI into the workplace

AI holds a place in the future of Canadian small business


Almost half (47 percent) of small businesses have expressed an openness to incorporating AI in the future, pointing toward an upward trend.

Well over half (58 percent) of small businesses believe that companies in their industry need to embrace AI-driven changes for future success.

AI implementation comes with hurdles


The most common risk factors small businesses cite when considering AI/data analytics tools include: 


Ethical implications around consent and autonomy


Overreliance on potential AI systems


Economic and employment impacts

The benefits to businesses are clear


The most common benefits small businesses believe they will experience following investment in AI include:


Increased productivity and efficiency


Financial benefits or cost reductions


Increased data/information availability