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Infographic: Cloud Security Challenges Across Sectors

Key findings from our 2024 Canadian Cybersecurity Study

CDW Expert CDW Expert

Overall Insights:

Data Security Concerns:

67.6% find data security more challenging in cloud environments.

Network Security:

58.5% face greater challenges maintaining network security in cloud environments.

Vulnerability Management:

49.4% struggle more with vulnerability management in the cloud compared with on-premises solutions.

Identity Management:

46.3% find identity management and access control more demanding in the cloud.


Government Insights:

Data Security:

In government, 60.8% find data security more challenging in the cloud.

Identity Management:

41.2% struggle more with identity management and access control in the cloud.

Vulnerability Management:

49% face greater challenges with vulnerability management in cloud environments.

Risk Assessment:

36.3% find risk assessment, governance and compliance more demanding in cloud setups.


Education Insights:

Data Security:

In education, 71.6% find data security more challenging in cloud environments.

Vulnerability Management:

48% struggle more with vulnerability management in cloud setups.

Network Security:

54.9% face greater difficulties maintaining network security in the cloud.

Backup and Recovery:

52% find backup and recovery operations more challenging in the cloud.


Healthcare Insights:

Data Security:

67.3% find data security more demanding in the cloud.

Vulnerability Management:

55.4% find vulnerability management more challenging in cloud setups.

Network Security:

59.4% struggle more with network security in cloud environments.

Identity Management:

44.6% find identity management and access control more demanding in the cloud.